Did The Medicare Part D “Donut Hole” End in 2020?


Last fall, I was diagnosed with a serious illness and began taking Humira which is very expensive costing over $5,000 per month.  I was told that the Medicare Part D “Donut Hole” was vanishing in 2020 and I would not have to more than I did in 2019.

This did not happen when I went to pick up my prescription at CVS after January 1st.  I had to pay over $1,700 for the Humira and my diabetic insulin I was under the impression that my prescriptions were not going to be as expensive as 2019.  Can you please explain what has happened?   Shane from West U area


The “Donut Hole” is a stressful time for most Americans because the cost of your brand name drug is simply more expensive.  Now the Donut Hole is called the “Donut Hole” discount and that discount is 25% of the cost for both brand-name and generic prescriptions.

When Healthcare Reform began, the Donut Hole slowly began to close but…

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