Medicare Facts Every Baby Boomer Should Know

Medicare Facts Every Baby Boomer Should Know

Medicare Facts Every Baby Boomer Should Know   Toni:  I am a confused Baby Boomer who needs to make my Medicare decision in March 2017 when I turn 65.  I do not know where to start or what to do?              Can you please help simplify this ordeal?  Thanks, Brenda...

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Insurance Giant…John Hancock Leaves

Insurance Giant…John Hancock Leaves

Insurance Giant…John Hancock Leaves  Long Term Care Market   Dear Toni:             On Thursday, I read an insurance alert that John Hancock is leaving the long term care market in December.  My husband is retiring next year and we are now in the process of...

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Part D Deductibles and Co Pays

Part D Deductibles and Co Pays

2017 Medicare & You Handbook DOES NOT… Include  Part D Deductibles and Co Pays!!        Toni:             Just received my new 2017 Medicare and You handbook and I cannot find what the 2017 Part D deductibles and “Donut Hole” costs are.  I need help because I...

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