Should I Enroll in Medicare When Turning 65?

Should I Enroll in Medicare When Turning 65?

Should I Enroll in Medicare When Turning 65? Hello Toni: I am turning 64 soon and have not started receiving my Social Security check. I am still working full time but do not have company benefits. I am confused because I do not have Social Security and not sure how...

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 $$Millions$$ Stolen from a “Granny Scam”!

 $$Millions$$ Stolen from a “Granny Scam”!

$$Millions$$ Stolen from a “Granny Scam”! Hello Toni, Recently a local news channel exposed a “granny scam” which stole $thousands from an elderly woman who thought her adult daughter had been kidnapped. This is the second scam that I have heard about recently. A...

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