by Toni King | May 23, 2014 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare
Hi Toni: I need your help about how to enroll in Medicare. I am turning 65 in November and when I called Social Security was I surprised when they told me to go online to sign up. They do not want me to go to the Social Security office and get a person from Social...
by Toni King | Mar 14, 2014 | Enrolling in Medicare, Social Security, Toni Says
Toni: My husband has recently been laid off from his job and I am having a real stress moment. He has always provided the main income, but now my job is paying the monthly bills. My husband will not touch his 401K or cash in any CDs. Friends are advising him to go...
by Toni King | Mar 7, 2014 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare Part D, Toni Says
Hello Toni: I have your Medicare Survival Guide, but I still am confused on an issue. My husband retired from an oil company with full benefits. We have both turned 65 this year and will now be going on Medicare. His company has automatically enrolled...
by Toni King | Mar 4, 2014 | Enrolling in Medicare, Original Medicare, Toni Says
Dear Toni, I will be turning 65 on September 2nd and absolutely don’t know anything about Medicare, how to apply, when to apply where to apply? How to select to what and when?? Which Medicare plan is good and which one is not?? I own a small business (Just me...