by Toni King | Feb 1, 2018 | confused about medicare, Enrolling in Medicare, Events, Medicare, Toni Says
Dear Toni, Just a quick note to say that my mother had to go into the hospital this week. Has the flu, a urinary tract infection and pneumonia. She had slipped and bumped her head, but no concussion. Very weak, so we are asking that she be placed into...
by Toni King | Feb 1, 2018 | confused about medicare, Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare Part D, prescription drug plans
Dear Toni: I have been told that Medicare does not cover drugs when you are in an emergency room? My mother went in the hospital from the ER for 2 days and because it was considered “under observation, we are now fighting the hospital because they say her drugs were...
by Toni King | Nov 28, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, initial coverage limit, Medicare, retirement
Hello Toni, I am a TRS retiree and you are aware that my TRS Aetna Retiree plan was cancelled. I am concerned that my husband and I are not going to be taken care of medically since we are forced to change to the new TRS Medicare Advantage plan. I have heard from...
by Toni King | Nov 28, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare, retirement, Toni Says
Hello Toni: I recently attended a Medicare Advantage meeting and was going to join with some reservations. After reading your article about the different Parts and Plans of Medicare, I am concerned that this Advantage plan may not be a good fit for me. My question is...
by Toni King | Nov 6, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Supplemental Plans, Toni Says
Toni: Last year, both me and my husband purchased a Medicare Supplement Plan G. The supplement has never paid a dime! We are still having to use the same doctor and get referrals from our Medicare Advantage HMO that we were using in 2016. Now the...
by Toni King | Oct 18, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare Part D, part d changes, prescription drug plans, Toni Says
Toni: Last year’s Medicare Open Enrollment season, my husband, Steve and I changed from our Medicare Supplement Plan with a separate Part D plan to a Medicare Advantage PPO plan. We were told that our doctors were in the plan and all of my husband’s diabetic meds...