by Toni King | Oct 3, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part C, Original Medicare, Supplemental Plans, Toni Says, TRS
Toni: Last year, I made a mistake and changed to a Medicare Advantage Plan because I understood from talking with my friends that this PPO plan was like a Medicare Supplement. Boy, was I wrong! I want out!! Most specialists and even the facility that does...
by Toni King | Aug 30, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, Events, Medicare, Original Medicare, retirement, Social Security, Supplemental Plans, Toni Says
Toni: My Medicare begins September 1st and I have received my first bill which is $536. I do not see this Medicare cost anywhere on the Medicare site or in any information I received when I came into the Toni Says office for my Medicare consultation. Am I being...
by Toni King | Aug 3, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, Events, Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part D, Original Medicare, retirement, Supplemental Plans, Toni Says, TRS
Toni: I am a retired Texas teacher and I am turning 65 this October. I am absolutely mortified by the TRS changes that I am hearing through the grapevine. My doctor is not accepting Humana Medicare Advantage and I am concerned about future health issues. I have...
by Toni King | Jul 10, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare, Original Medicare, retirement, Self Employed, Toni Says
Hello Toni: I am turning 65 this September and have great retirement benefits from the company I worked for 20 plus years. I have spoken with HR about what I need to do with enrolling in Medicare and they advised me not to enroll in Part B because I have...
by Toni King | May 23, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part D, Social Security, Toni Says
[vifblike] Hi Toni, I follow your column and clip them for future reference. I am now approaching 65 in August. I need to enroll in Medicare and learn the plan differences between Medicare and an Advantage Program I am considering. I understand I can sign up at Social...
by Toni King | May 23, 2017 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part D, Supplemental Plans, Toni Says
[vifblike] Toni: Last year, my mother got into the “donut hole” in October. I can see from the Part D statement she receives that she is rapidly approaching the donut hole and it is only the beginning of May. None of her drugs have changed from 2016. She can afford...