by Toni King | Jun 24, 2021 | Long-Term Care, Medicare, Medicare Part B, Toni Says
Why Did COBRA Cost Me $40K in Medical Expenses? Reader Alert: Many employer benefit group plans terminate the day you are no longer working full-time. Explore employer group medical plan rules and options with Medicare if you or your spouse are 65 or older....
by Toni King | Jun 24, 2021 | Medicare, Toni Says
Self Employed…Should I Enroll in Medicare Part B?? Hello Toni: I need your help about enrolling in Part B or delaying it. I am self-employed with no employees, turning 65 with an individual Blue Cross/Blue Shield health plan that covers me and my wife. I have...
by Toni King | Jun 8, 2021 | Medicare, Medicare Part B, Medicare Part D
Medicare and Traveling the US? Toni: I have retired effective 1 and now my wife and I are going to travel the US in the new Winnebago that is sitting in my driveway. I am having a hard time trying to sign up for Medicare since I turn 65 in and really do not know what...
by Toni King | May 4, 2021 | Medicare
Is At Home Recovery After a Transplant Covered by Medicare? Reader Alert: This week, I received a text message from one of Toni Says® Medicare clients that I would like to share with the Toni Says® readers. You may never know when you or one of your family members...
by Toni King | May 4, 2021 | Medicare
Does Medicare Pay for A Gym Membership? Toni, Two of my neighbors told my wife that they get free gym membership through Medicare. Any truth to that, as I never heard about this before? Regards, Sammy from Sienna Hi there…Sammy: Sammy the answer is NO! Medicare Parts...
by Toni King | Feb 4, 2021 | Medicare, Toni Says
Cancer Treatment Not Covered By Employer Health Insurance… Help Toni! I have developed a rare form of cancer that requires the use of proton therapy and my problem is that my employer’s health insurance does not cover proton therapy. I must pay all the costs....