by Toni King | Aug 8, 2020 | Medicare, out of pocket costs
Does Medicare Cover “Expensive” Injections in Doctor’s Office? Toni: I have been laid off this week with my current employer’s benefits ending August 31. I turn 65 in August and will be enrolling in Medicare. My employer group health plan currently has an HSA with...
by Toni King | Aug 8, 2020 | Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Toni Says
What is a Retiree HRA Account? Hi Toni: My husband is an oil company retiree and two weeks ago, we received a letter stating that his employer is terminating all Medicare eligible retirees Aetna and Express Scripts group benefits with a termination date of September...
by Toni King | Jul 1, 2020 | Medicare, Original Medicare
Doctor’s Advice…Get Traditional Medicare…What’s That? Good Morning Toni: Have been reading your column for over a year and now I need some Medicare help. I am retiring and turning 65 in October. I had a triple bi-pass in April of this year. Last week I talked...
by Toni King | Jun 2, 2020 | Medicare, Toni Says
Enrolled in Medicare…Now I Can’t Fund My HSA! Reader Alert: Toni turned 65 on Wednesday, May 20th and has now joined the maze of Medicare. She will discuss what Medicare issues she meets in the future. Hi Toni I attended one of your seminars and now I need help with...
by Toni King | May 5, 2020 | Medicare
Laid Off…Turn 65 April 30th, What Do I Do?? Toni: I need your help to enroll in Medicare because I will turn 65 on April 30th. On April 10th, I was laid off due to the current economic conditions. My employer benefits ended the day I was laid off. I have no idea...
by Toni King | May 5, 2020 | Long-Term Care, Medicare
Will Medicare Cover Long Term Care Issues Caused By COVID-19? Morning, Toni: I read your recent article about COVID-19 and Medicare and recently my husband has contacted this terrible virus. He has been in ICU due to his delicate health issues because he is an...