New Inpatient/Outpatient Rule for Medicare

New Inpatient/Outpatient Rule for Medicare

Toni Says Newsletter Alert:  Around October 1, the 2018 Medicare & You handbook should have arrived in everyone’s mailbox with a surprise on page 32 titled, “Am I an inpatient or outpatient?” if you are currently on Medicare.   What does that mean?  Let’s discuss...
Employers Dropping Retiree Medical Plans!!!

Employers Dropping Retiree Medical Plans!!!

Help, Toni: I have discovered that my employer, CenterPoint, dropped my retiree Medicare group health plan beginning January 1, 2017.   What do I do NOW? I am a 69-year old female retiring this October and enrolling in Medicare for the first time.  My husband, Paul,...
2018 Medicare Part D Deductibles  and Co Pay Changes…Released!

2018 Medicare Part D Deductibles and Co Pay Changes…Released!

Toni: Last year, the 2017 Medicare and You handbook did not include the 2017 Part D deductibles and “Donut Hole” costs, and I got in the “famous” Medicare donut hole this March. I know it is only September, but I would like to get prepared and really cannot find the...