Can Mom Qualify for Home Healthcare?

Can Mom Qualify for Home Healthcare?

Can Mom Qualify for Home Healthcare? Dear Toni:  Help!!! My mother-in-law is 85 and lives in an independent living facility on her own. After hospitalization in November, she needs 24-hour medical care when she went home. We were told by the hospital and the staff at...
Turning 65 …Is Medicare Annual Enrollment Time for Me?

Turning 65 …Is Medicare Annual Enrollment Time for Me?

Turning 65 …Is Medicare Annual Enrollment Time for Me?   Toni, I turn 65 in April and am overwhelmed by all the mail I am getting this year for Medicare Annual Enrollment. What do I do? The mail from companies says theirs is the best, but they all offer the same thing...
Medicare Rule…No One Remembers!

Medicare Rule…No One Remembers!

Medicare Rule…No One Remembers!  Dear Toni, Just a quick note to say that my mother had to go into the hospital this week with COVID that caused a urinary tract infection and pneumonia.   She had slipped and bumped her head, but no concussion.   Very weak, so we are...