by Toni King | Feb 7, 2022 | Medicare Part D
Using GoodRx With Medicare Part D Toni: I am a weekly follower of the Toni Says® Medicare column and have had a wonderful Medicare experience which helped to save me from getting in the Donut hole with an expensive generic prescription. I received a generic...
by Toni King | Dec 3, 2021 | Medicare Part D
Medicare Part D Penalty Costs What?? Hello Toni: I made a terrible mistake last April when I was no longer covered by my employer group health plan due to retiring. I had a telemarketing agent help me find a Medicare Supplement which began April 1, 2021. No one told...
by Toni King | Nov 4, 2021 | Medicare, Medicare Part D, Uncategorized
Changes to 2022 Medicare Part D Co-Pays and Donut…Released! Toni: This year, the 2022 Medicare and You handbook did not include all the information regarding the Medicare Part D deductibles and “Donut Hole”. I got in the “famous” Medicare donut hole this August and do...
by Toni King | Oct 5, 2021 | Medicare Part C, Medicare Part D, Toni Says
October 15 Is Coming….Know Your Medicare Options!! Dear Toni: I turned 65 in Feb and did not enroll in a Medicare Prescription Drug plan. I’ve been told that I must wait until October for Medicare’s Annual Enrollment time. I need help now because I have been...
by Toni King | Jun 24, 2021 | donut hole, Medicare Part D
Is the Donut Hole Getting You!! Toni: Last year, my husband got into the “donut hole” in September. I can see from the Part D statement he receives monthly that he is rapidly approaching the donut hole and it is only the beginning of May. He has only added one new...
by Toni King | Jun 8, 2021 | Medicare, Medicare Part B, Medicare Part D
Medicare and Traveling the US? Toni: I have retired effective 1 and now my wife and I are going to travel the US in the new Winnebago that is sitting in my driveway. I am having a hard time trying to sign up for Medicare since I turn 65 in and really do not know what...