by Toni King | Jul 24, 2015 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare Part D
Why Enrolling In a Part D Medicare Drug Plan Is So Important Dear Toni: I have been told that Medicare does not cover drugs when you are in an emergency room? My mother went in the hospital from the ER for 2 days and because it was considered “under observation, we...
by Toni King | Mar 29, 2015 | Medicare Part D
Hello Toni: I turned 65 in March 2012 and continued to work full time with excellent company benefits. I decided to delay Part B until December 1, 2014 when I have retired. I enrolled in a Medicare supplement plan F and a Part D prescription drug plan and now I have...
by Toni King | Oct 22, 2014 | Medicare, Medicare Part D
About 2 weeks ago on CBS 60 Minutes, a segment discussed the high cost of cancer drugs. Two Oncologists discussed what a crime it is that Medicare cannot negotiate the pharmaceutical companies for cheaper prices for Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. I wanted...
by Toni King | Jun 19, 2014 | Medicare Part D, Original Medicare
Good Morning Toni: I was recently told that to receive a shingles vaccination I needed to have a Part D (Medicare prescription) drug plan to get the vaccination or pay $200. I thought all vaccinations and immunizations were covered at no cost. ...
by Toni King | May 29, 2014 | Medicare Part D
Toni: Last year, my mother got into the “donut hole” in October. I can see from the Part D statement she receives that she is rapidly approaching the donut hole and it is only the beginning of May. None of her drugs have changed from 2013. She can afford...
by Toni King | Mar 7, 2014 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare Part D, Toni Says
Hello Toni: I have your Medicare Survival Guide, but I still am confused on an issue. My husband retired from an oil company with full benefits. We have both turned 65 this year and will now be going on Medicare. His company has automatically enrolled...