by Toni King | Nov 12, 2015 | Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Supplemental Plans
Toni, Will be eligible for Medicare in 2016 and trying to compare Medicare to my current company benefits? I am concerned that if I need cataracts removed that this procedure will not be covered with Medicare. I can take my company dental and vision benefits when I...
by Toni King | Oct 21, 2015 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare, Medicare Part D, Original Medicare, Supplemental Plans
Alert…2016 Medicare and You Handbook Shows Medicare Premium Increases for Part D Plan!! Hi, Toni: Part D surprise came in the mail last week… Our part D provider sent news of changes for 2016. Monthly premium doubled from $29.50 to over $62.00 and deductible...
by Toni King | Oct 21, 2015 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part D, Original Medicare, Supplemental Plans
Medicare Open Enrollment Toni: I turn 65 next March 2016 and am absolutely baffled by all of the mail I am receiving on this year’s Medicare Open Enrollment. Is there something that I need to do for this enrollment time? All of the mail is informing me that I need to...
by Toni King | Sep 30, 2015 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Original Medicare, Supplemental Plans
My Doctors are Not Accepting My Medicare Toni: Last year, I made a big mistake and changed to a Medicare Advantage HMO from my Medicare Supplement and I want out!! I cannot even get a MRI with this company. I am in Galveston County and most of my doctors are not...
by Toni King | Sep 30, 2015 | Enrolling in Medicare, Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part D, Original Medicare, Supplemental Plans
Medicare Annual Enrollment Toni: Read in your column last week that there is only 5 weeks to the Medicare Annual Enrollment period. I’m really confused on what I need to do. I am receiving so much mail that I am stressed about making the wrong decision and messing up...
by Toni King | Apr 13, 2015 | Medicare, Original Medicare, Supplemental Plans
Hi Toni: I have Original Medicare and a Medicare Supplement Plan F. No problem in the past filing with Medicare, but beginning January 1st, my neurologist has changed how he bills Medicare. He is a small office and said that because of the amount of paperwork, he is...