by Toni King | Jan 8, 2021 | Medicare, Toni Says
Does Medicare Approve Clinical Trial Prescription Drug Programs? Toni: I turn 65 in May and am covered by my wife’s employer group health insurance. I am fighting stage 3 kidney cancer and the prognosis is good since I am participating in a clinical trial for a new...
by Toni King | Jan 8, 2021 | Medicare, Toni Says
2021 Medicare Premiums and Costs Released Hello Toni: I have recently enrolled in Medicare and received my 2020 Medicare and You handbook and cannot find what the 2021 Medicare costs will be? Do you have any idea what the new Medicare costs are? Why weren’t the...
by Toni King | Nov 19, 2020 | Medicare Part D, Toni Says
Left Employer Benefits Now I Have a Medicare Part D Penalty…Why?? Hello Toni: I made a terrible mistake last April when I was no longer being covered by my employer group health plan due to retiring. I had a telemarketing agent help me find a Medicare Supplement...
by Toni King | Nov 19, 2020 | Medicare Part D, Toni Says
2021 Medicare Part D Deductible and Donut Hole Costs…Released! Toni: This year, the 2021 Medicare and You handbook did not include all the information regarding the Medicare Part D deductibles and “Donut Hole”. I got in the “famous” Medicare donut hole in June of 2020...
by Toni King | Oct 15, 2020 | Medicare Advantage Plans, Supplemental Plans, Toni Says
Did Changes to Plan F Cause My Medicare Supplement Premiums to Rise? 2 Weeks until Thursday, October 15-Medicare Annual Enrollment- Toni: We have received a 20% increase in our Plan F Medicare Supplement. I am a 70-year-old female in decent health, but my husband is...
by Toni King | Sep 16, 2020 | Long Term Care, Toni Says
Are You Prepared for An Unexpected Accident or Illness? Hi Toni: Recently, I had a bad car wreck and ended up in the hospital with only a minor concussion from hitting the windshield and my wife was not hurt at all. I was surprised when the hospital asked for my...