by Toni King | Jan 8, 2020 | confused about medicare, Medicare, Supplemental Plans, Toni Says
Turning 65 in March…Why Can’t I apply for Medicare Supplement Plan F? Morning Toni: I am turning 65 in March and am searching for the right Medicare Supplement to cover my health needs. I have been told from patients at the cancer center where I go to...
by Toni King | Dec 10, 2019 | Medicare, Toni Says
Help…. Doctor Is Not Accepting Medicare? Hi Toni: This week, I went to see my primary care doctor and his office said that since Medicare is primary on my insurance, I would have to pay upfront the complete bill and be reimbursed by Medicare. His office is a small...
by Toni King | Dec 10, 2019 | Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part D, Supplemental Plans, Toni Says
Can I Change My Medicare Advantage Plan After the Dec. 7th Deadline? Hello Toni: I recently attended a Medicare Advantage meeting because my Medicare Supplement Plan F is costing me $220 a month and was going to join. A friend introduced me to your articles explaining...
by Toni King | Sep 5, 2019 | Medicare, Toni Says
Will Medicare Pay for Injections Given in a Doctor’s Office? Toni: I am turning 65 in January 2020 and understand that Medicare is making changes, especially with Medicare Supplements. My under 65 individual health plan has a $4,000 deductible which I meet every year...
by Toni King | Jun 10, 2019 | donut hole, Medicare Part D, part d changes, Toni Says
Hello Toni: I am turning 65 in July, self-employed and my income is over $250K. Recently I received a letter from Social Security telling me that my monthly Medicare Part B premium of $135.50 would be doubled to $270.900 per month due to 2017 reported income. That...
by Toni King | Jun 10, 2019 | Medicare, medicare changes, Original Medicare, out of pocket costs, Toni Says
Dear Toni: Read your article last week about the “extra Part D premium” but did not explain how to lower the premium if you are not making the income you were before you retired. I received a letter from Social Security stating that I must pay $433.40 for Part B and...