Whaaat…. My Medicare Part B Penalty Is Forever?

Whaaat…. My Medicare Part B Penalty Is Forever?

Toni:  I am a 67-year-old female who never enrolled in Medicare Part B or D because I believe in holistic medicine and only take vitamins.  I was under the impression that if I didn’t go to the doctor, I didn’t need to apply for Medicare and could later. Now I have...
2017 Medicare Part D Donut Hole…What is it?

2017 Medicare Part D Donut Hole…What is it?

Toni:This year, I got into the “donut hole” in September. It has financially devastated and I almost stopped taking my prescriptions.  I can afford my monthly $80 co pays but on my statement, it says the actual prescription drugs cost is $950.00 per month. How can I...
Medicare Facts Every Baby Boomer Should Know

Medicare Facts Every Baby Boomer Should Know

Medicare Facts Every Baby Boomer Should Know   Toni:  I am a confused Baby Boomer who needs to make my Medicare decision in March 2017 when I turn 65.  I do not know where to start or what to do?              Can you please help simplify this ordeal?  Thanks, Brenda...
Insurance Giant…John Hancock Leaves

Insurance Giant…John Hancock Leaves

Insurance Giant…John Hancock Leaves  Long Term Care Market   Dear Toni:             On Thursday, I read an insurance alert that John Hancock is leaving the long term care market in December.  My husband is retiring next year and we are now in the process of...