Why Did Enrolling in COBRA Cost Me $40K?

Why Did Enrolling in COBRA Cost Me $40K?

Reader Alert:  Many company benefit plans terminate the day you are no longer working full-time.  Explore you or your spouse’s group medical plan rules and options with Medicare if you are 65 or older.   Morning Toni:             My wife and I desperately need...
IRS Phone Scam

IRS Phone Scam

IRS Phone Scam Affects Over 1 Million… Learn What To Do!!   Reader Alert:             This week, I, Toni King received a voice mail call on my personal cell phone from an 800 number Robo call claiming to be the IRS.  I was told via this call that I owed money to...
Husband Laid Off …Will Medicare Pay

Husband Laid Off …Will Medicare Pay

Husband Laid Off …Will Medicare Pay for Medical Care Overseas As A Contract Worker!!   Toni:               My husband, who is turning 65 this September, was laid off from a major oil company this year and the only way he can make a living is as an engineer on a...