How to Enroll in Medicare at the Right Time!!

Hello Toni: I am turning 65 in December and have not started receiving my Social Security check. I am still working full time but do not have company benefits. I’m confused because I do not have Social Security and not sure how to get my Medicare. Do I call Medicare...

What do I do if my doctor is not taking Medicare?

Hi Toni: This July, I turned 65 and signed up for Medicare with a Medicare Supplement plan F. I went to see my family doctor and his office said that since Medicare is primary, I would have to pay upfront the complete bill and be reimbursed by Medicare. Can you please...

Learn the Myths of Medicare

Toni:              Recently, I read an article online about the myths of Medicare from E-Health Insurance.  I am a 65 year old engineer who retired from BP about 3 years ago.  I am now working on a contract basis on various oil related projects             Can you...

Mom Needs VA Aid for Extra Help at Home

Dear Toni, I have read your column with great interest for years knowing that one day this time would come.  My mother is almost 88 years old and in dire need of help at home with everyday routines, such as bathing, dressing, toileting, shopping and meal preparation. ...