Hi Toni:
I need your help about how to enroll in Medicare. I am turning 65 in November and when I called Social Security was I surprised when they told me to go online to sign up. They do not want me to go to the Social Security office and get a person from Social Security to sign me up.
I am concerned that if I go online I will have to begin receiving my Social Security check. I retired in 2013 and will not begin receiving my Social Security check until I am 67 in 2016.
Can you please explain and where to go online and enroll the correct way. Thanks in advance, Carla from Clear Lake area
With budget problems, Social Security discovered last year how much payroll or should I say tax dollars could be saved by finally going online to have people file for their Medicare cards when they were turning 65 and not receiving their Social Security check.
You ask…”Toni, what does a Social Security check have to do with me receiving my Medicare card? I have been filing taxes all of these years
Remember, nothing is easy with a government system and Medicare is no different.
Unless you are receiving your Social Security check at least 90 days prior to turning 65, then Medicare has no idea that you are turning 65 and should be receiving your Medicare card with your Social Security number and a “A” showing that you have worked 10 years or 40 quarters, qualifying you for Medicare. Your number would read something like this 123-45-6789-A.
Carla, you mentioned that you are not receiving your Social Security check, not working full time with true company benefits and that Social Security advised you to enroll online.About 90 prior to turning 65 to the month prior to your 65th birthday is when you should enroll to have your Medicare effective the first day of the month you are turning 65.
Enrolling online is simple to do and will take about 10 minutes. I will give you step by step instructions below and download pdf version to follow along with me… http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/EN-05-10531.pdf
1) Go to www.socialsecurity.gov/medicareonly and begin following the directions under box apply for Medicare Only. Click on the box
2) Click on Start a New Application
3) Begin answering the questions…who is applying and if you are legally blind or visually impaired
4) Once you answer these questions it starts the application and you will begin giving all of your personal information such as Name, Social Security Number, Gender, date of birth etc.
5) When you have successfully started your application you will get an application number that you can use if you need to go back to the application or to check your status once the application is completed.
6) Next you decide if you want to sign up for Medicare only and not receive retirement benefits.
7) Next are questions about Your Current Health Benefits such as group health plan, (group health plan is not retirement benefits) employment information, etc.
8) Finish your application by reviewing the application for accuracy. Sign your application by selecting the “Submit Now” button
9) Get a receipt for your application and get information about what to do next.
10)Wait for your Medicare card to arrive in the mail.
11)Any questions on this can be sent to Toni at www.tonisays.com/ask-toni.
**Those turning 65 and not working with true company benefits should consider enrolling in Part B to keep from receiving the Part B penalty.**
Confused about Medicare” Workshops for May 2014 Contact Toni if you would like a workshop for your church, organization or a company lunch and learn.
- Friday, May 30 from 1:00 PM -3:00 PM –The Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center, 16600 Pine Forest Lane, Houston, TX 77084. RSVP at 713/274-3250. Toni’s special guest will be a spokes person from Social Security.
Toni King, author of the new Medicare Survival Guide®, which is a simple guide that puts Medicare in “people” terms, is on sale at www.tonisays.com Email questions or to schedule a “Confused about Medicare Workshop” to www.tonisays.com/ask-toni or call 832/519-TONI (8664).