Laid Off…Turn 65 April 30th, What Do I Do??


I need your help to enroll in Medicare because I will turn 65 on April 30th.  On April 10th, I was laid off due to the current economic conditions. My employer benefits ended the day I was laid off.  I have no idea what to do!!

A friend recently gave me a Toni Says® newspaper article with your information and said I could email you regarding getting my Medicare started as quickly as possible. I am concerned that I will get the dreaded Medicare Part B penalty because I didn’t have Medicare start April 1st.  I cannot get a straight answer as to what we need to do. Help me Please!!

Mary Ann from The Woodlands area

Mary Ann:

Every day I am hearing from Americans who are losing their jobs due to these trying times with Coronavirus and the downfall of the economy.  Don’t fret, Mary Ann….

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