by Toni King | Aug 8, 2020 | Medicare, out of pocket costs
Does Medicare Cover “Expensive” Injections in Doctor’s Office? Toni: I have been laid off this week with my current employer’s benefits ending August 31. I turn 65 in August and will be enrolling in Medicare. My employer group health plan currently has an HSA with...
by Toni King | Feb 5, 2020 | Medicare, Medicare Part B
2020 Medicare Costs & Part B Premiums are Rising! Hello Toni: I have recently enrolled in Medicare and have received my 2020 Medicare and You handbook and cannot find what the 2020 Medicare Part A and B deductibles will be? Do you have any idea what the new...
by Toni King | Sep 5, 2019 | Medicare, Toni Says
Will Medicare Pay for Injections Given in a Doctor’s Office? Toni: I am turning 65 in January 2020 and understand that Medicare is making changes, especially with Medicare Supplements. My under 65 individual health plan has a $4,000 deductible which I meet every year...