Dear Toni:

I am a disabled Viet Nam Vet and am finally turning 65 this March.  I am just completely confused and really not sure with what I should do.  I use Michael DeBakey VA Center for all of my Doctor visits and prescriptions.  I have talked with a few Vets that have told me to not get “Part B” or the Medicare Prescription drug plan because I get everything from the VA.  Is this right?  I don’t want to make a mistake.  I’ve been reading your articles and not sure what to do.  Can you help me or direct me in the right direction?  Semper Fi…a lost Marine in Sugar Land.

Semper Fi Marine:

Thanks for your service to our Country and being there when America needed you!!  I am glad you didn’t listen to your buddies and decided to email me.  Some people are dangerous when they give advice and have no idea of what the consequences can be or how this will impact your Medicare.  Actually you do not need “Part B” to use the VA, but when you go outside of the VA for any medical treatment such as ambulanced to another hospital for any medical emergency or you might go to MD Anderson for cancer treatment, then you will pay 100% of the medical charges that “Part B” covers.  There are no exceptions, when you don’t have “Part B”.  You will PAY 100%!!!  But not enrolling in Part D (Medicare Prescription Drug plan) is another story. Medicare considers the VA credible coverage and when you enroll in Part D at a later date, you do not get the late penalty.

Join me this Saturday, January 29th, there is a free Veterans benefits workshop explaining all of the Medicare benefits available to Veterans and their spouses including how to receive a pension when you need extra healthcare at home or need 24hour care. I will be talking about Medicare and experts from the VA will also be available. The workshop is at Spring Branch VFW Post 8790, 1560 Foley St, Houston, TX 77055 from 10:00am-1:00pm.  The public is invited and you do not have to be a Veteran to attend.


Hi Toni:

Recently I went to a Doctor that had me sign a contract because he does not accept Medicare.  I signed it and think I might have made a big mistake!!  What should I do?  Sue Anne in Richmond

Well Sue Anne:

Anytime you use a doctor or any Medical provider who does not accept Medicare assignment, then you must pay 100% of what that provider charges.  Now that you have signed the contract you are obligated to the complete bill.  When you sign a “Private Contract” with a doctor or medical provider, then Medicare will not pay any of the bills.  This is only the beginning of your problems because if Medicare does not pay then your Medicare Supplement will not pay.  A Medicare Supplement will only pay when Medicare pays.  Bottom line is…do not sign…”Private Contracts” with any Doctors or Medical Providers.  This is explained on Page 55 of the Medicare and You handbook.  You are hearing about more doctors not taking Medicare any more but believe me there are still plenty of doctors and medical providers who do take Medicare.  And there are plenty of excellent doctors who are accepting Medicare.  If you need any help understanding anything about your Medicare do not hesitate to email me at

 Toni King is an advocate/consultant for those “Confused about Medicare. No problem is too small if it affects you or your parents Medicare. She will answer your questions about Medicare, just email her or call her at 281/830-3896. No problem is too small if it affects you or your parent’s Medicare.  

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