Turning 65…Medicare Marketing Is Overwhelming!

 America, it has finally happened because I, Toni King, who has been writing the Toni Says® Medicare column is turning 65 in May.  I am now experiencing, excessive marketing and confusion regarding finding a Medicare plan due to the amount of junk mail that is hitting my mailbox whether it is a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage Plan.

This week a rather troubling letter came that showed different Medicare Supplement plans and quoted a low rate for Medicare Supplement plan K. I remembered a reader’s question from 2017 who changed from Medicare Plan G with low out of pocket to Plan K that has a higher out of pocket but could not change to any plan whether Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage plans because he was receiving kidney dialysis due to end-stage renal disease. ESRD is a kick out question for Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage plans.

Had I not known the difference in what Medicare plans offer, I would call for that insurance company’s information because the insurance premiums are so low.

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